The hilarious new sequel to The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks by the bestselling creator of Hurrah for Gin.
Lottie Brooks is back for spring term at secondary school and ready to face anything. No more trying to impress mean girl Amber. And absolutely no more being nicknamed Cucumber Girl.
A lead role in the spring musical gives Lottie a chance to dazzle her mega-crush Daniel with her talent as a singing crab but it's not all singing and dancing at Kingswood High. Lottie's friendship with Molly and Jess seems to be falling apart no matter how hard she tries to keep her BFFs together.
Is Lottie on track for another epic friendship fail?
Serie / Reihe: Lottie Brooks 2
Personen: Kirby, Katie
Standort: St. Johann
Kirby, Katie:
¬The¬ Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie Brooks [2] / Katie Kirby. - London : Puffin Books, [2022]. - 448 Seiten : Illustrationen - (Lottie Brooks; 2). - Lesealter : 9–12 Jahre
ISBN 978-0-241-46090-0 Broschur : EUR 10,50
Englisch (Fremdsprachige Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche) - Buch: Kinder-Jugend