Wenger, Ulrich
Point of No Return

The vibrant surge of life in Singapore, in all of its colorful und infinite variety, in all of its hints of hidden mystery, spills from the many eyrly pages of this novel. singapore is not just a place; it is a gateway fo a world of bewildering complexity, a snare for complacent expectations. ...

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Personen: Wenger, Ulrich

Schlagwörter: Englisch

Wenger, Ulrich:
Point of No Return / Ulrich Wenger. - New York : Vantage Press, 1987. - 211 S
ISBN 978-0-533-06875-3 $ 13,95

Zugangsnummer: 0000/2975 - Barcode: 322210107929
Englisch - Signatur: FS.E Wenge - Buch