Steele, Christine
Premiere Pro: Narrative Scene Editing

Adobe Premiere Pro is a great tool for putting all the pieces of your short film together and allows you to reorder your ideas in real time. This course introduces the essential storytelling concepts and editing techniques you'll need to put it to good use. Author Christine Steele covers selecting shots, crafting scenes, and placing clips and cuts in a way that supports narrative flow. The course also introduces strategies for supporting character and story development using shot framing, flashbacks, cutaways, and effects to further enhance the pacing and drama of the piece.

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Personen: Steele, Christine

Steele, Christine:
Premiere Pro: Narrative Scene Editing : LinkedIn, 2012. - 03:00:51.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505257053
Signatur: eLearning - eMedium