Dewett, Todd
Preparing for Your Review

Many people dread the performance review, feeling like it's perfunctory or painful. But with the right planning, you'll find that it's a project you can manage like any other. Learn how to prepare for your performance review with these tips from Dr. Todd Dewett. Discover how to establish an ongoing dialog with your manager and take specific, actionable measures to get the most value and insights from the review process. Find out what to do in the three months leading up to your review, what to say during the conversation, and how to follow up afterward to assure your manager that you're meeting your new goals.

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Personen: Dewett, Todd

Dewett, Todd:
Preparing for Your Review : LinkedIn, 2018. - 00:26:19.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505288166
Signatur: eLearning - eMedium