Bloomfield, Jeff
Sales Prospecting

Sales prospecting is largely a mental game. You can say all the right things, but if your attitude doesn't match your words or if your prospecting process is inconsistent, your success will be in jeopardy. In this course, author and Fortune 500 sales coach Jeff Bloomfield helps you cultivate the right mindset for prospecting: showing how to shut off distractions so you can focus on your prospects and their objectives/concerns and how your service or product can help them in a unique way. He also provides insight on setting up your schedule for success and rewarding yourself to stay motivated.

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Personen: Bloomfield, Jeff

Bloomfield, Jeff:
Sales Prospecting : LinkedIn, 2016. - 00:34:19.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505154505
Signatur: eLearning - eMedium