Danger: Stinging jellyfish! At the last minute, Mrs Baker manages to get away from the jellyfish while diving off Rocky Beach. But then, images of the poisonous animals suddenly show up on her computer screen, arriving by e-mail and threatening to wreck not just her files, but her life as well.
With the help of Tom Wood - a computer specialist - Justus, Peter and Bob, start tracking down the anonymous sender. If only it weren't for Dick Perry, an overbearing detective from Santa Monica, who keeps getting in the way of their investigation....
Serie / Reihe: Die drei ???
Personen: Nevis, Ben Zantop, Andreas
Leseror. Aufstellung: Erdgeschoss → Schüler ab Klasse 4
Nevis, Ben:
Die drei ??? - Poisoned E-mail / von Ben Nevis. Aus dem Dt. ins amerikan. Engl. übertr. von Andreas Zantop. - Stuttgart : Franckh-Kosmos-Verl., 2005. - 143 Seiten ; 20 cm. - (Die drei ???)
ISBN 978-3-440-10065-3 Festeinband : EUR 7.90
Fremdsprachige Belletristik für Kinder - Signatur: Schüler / Englisch / Nev - Buch